Magnetic Metal Poker Chip Ball Marker
Pricing Details
Production Time: 14 Working Days
Call for Pricing
Metal Poker Chip with magnetic ball marker. Solid metal poker chip with two-sided imprint and removable 1.00" magnetic ball marker. Back side features fixed flat label for added exposure or co-op partnering and golf tournament sponsorship. 1.5" x .155". Colors: black, red, green, blue, white, and pink.
Normal Production Time
14 Working Days
Additional Information• Samples are billed at 500 quantity net price.
• Rush charges: Add $35.00 (v) minimum or 10% of order amount, which ever is greater, for shipments of 7 business days or less
• Less than minimum: Add 25% to order. Absolute minimum is half the lowest listed quantity
• Unimprinted products: Use next higher quantity price
• Production time: 2 weeks. Allow 3 to 4 weeks on Satin Etched Imprints.
• Normal Packaging: Poly Bagged.
• Special Packaging: Insertion of customer supplied insert cards available. For drop shipping and fulfillment services please inquire.